Members of the FPE International Advisory Committee inform professional colleagues in their region about the goals of FPE, and identify potential areas of collaboration among countries.
Awad Aljuaid, Taif University
Awad Aljuaid is an Assistant Professor at Mechanical Engineering Department at Taif University, Saudi Arabia. He is also a Director of strategic planning & information department, Taif University, Saudi Arabia . He holds a B.S.(2003) in Systems Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. Also, he holds an M.S. (2009) in Industrial Engineering from King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia, and a Ph.D. (2016) in Industrial Engineering from University of Central Florida, USA. He has been working as safety engineer at SABIC (2003) and he participated in several HS&E workshops and conferences. Recently, he has been working on neuroergonomic studies.
Pedro Arezes, University of Minho
Pedro Arezes is a Full Professor on Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering at the School of Engineering of the University of Minho (UMinho), in Portugal. He is also a visiting scholar at MIT and Harvard University, in USA. He coordinates the Human Engineering research group at the UMinho and he is also the current National Director of the MIT Portugal Program, a government strategic partnership between Portuguese Universities, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and partners from industry and government.
He was the supervisor of more than 70 MSc. theses in several universities and of 17 completed PhD theses. He was also the host supervisor of some post-doc projects with colleagues coming from different countries, such as Brazil, Poland, Spain and Turkey.
Pedro Arezes is the (co-)author of more than 70 papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, author/editor of more than 40 books published internationally, as well as the (co-)author of more than 300 papers published in international conference proceedings with peer-review.
Robert S. Bridger, Knowledge Sharing Events,Ltd.
Robert Bridger is a researcher, consultant and teacher in Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE). He is the Director of his own company, ‘Knowledge Sharing Events, Ltd’ and helps organisations and universities develop their expertise and programs in HFE through practical problem solving. He has a PhD in functional anatomy and biomechanics, an MSc in Ergonomics and a first degree in Psychology. Robert’s career has spanned a wide area of HFE, from academics to mining to the Royal Navy’s Institute of Naval Medicine in the United Kingdom. He has published over 70 journal articles, presentations, and book chapters, and regularly presents and chairs sessions at International conferences.
Robert recently authored the fourth edition of the textbook, Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics, and, A Guide to Active Work in the Modern Office: Homo Sedens in the 21st Century. He serves on the editorial board of several journals. Robert is currently supporting safety investigations in health care and serving as the 2020 President of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.
Erman Çakıt, Gazi University 
Erman Çakıt received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA, in 2013. He is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Gazi University, Turkey. His research interests include applications of human factors / ergonomics and safety using machine learning and applied statistics. He has authored more than 50 papers published as peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings. He serves as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Industrial Engineering, Associate Editor of Ergonomics International Journal, editorial board member in Human-Intelligent Systems Integration (Springer), Augmented Human Research (Springer), International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Ravi Goonetilleke, Khalifa University
Ravi Goonetilleke serves as Professor of Khalifa University (KU) in the UAE. He initiated the Human Factors and Ergonomics program at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 1994. He has been in the field of Ergonomics for over 30 years and teaches Human-Centered Design. He joined KU in September 2021. His research interests are innovative design, product development and human performance modelling. Prior to HKUST, Ravi was the Human Factors Manager at the NIKE Sport Research Lab in Beaverton Oregon, and a Senior Ergonomist at the Biomechanics Corporation of America in Long Island New York.
He has been a consultant for many multi-national companies such as Exxon- Mobil Corp., MTR Corporation, Hong Kong Telecom, Icon MediaLab (Asia), Honeywell, Inc, Motorola, Procter and Gamble, General Motors, Thomson Consumer Electronics, Dow Corning International, Steelcase, Inc., Lear Seating Corporation, MRC-SKF, Ford and many others in the area of Ergonomics and Product Design. He has received several research grants in the area of human-centered design, and has eight US patents and has over 200 publications in the area of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Ravi is the editor of the book, “Science of Footwear” published by the CRC press in 2012. He is a fellow of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES, USA) and the Hong Kong Ergonomics Society (HKES).
Ewa Gorska, Warsaw University of Technology
Ewa Gorska Eur.Erg. is a professor at Faculty of Management, Warsaw University of Technology. She is the head of Laboratory of Ergonomics, runs Postgraduate Studies: Ergonomics, Occupational Safety and Environment Protection as well as Safety, Work Hygiene and Ergonomics. Her scientific and didactic interests concern issues related to working environment management in industrial organizations, in the fields of: ergonomics, safety, environment protection, work and workstation organization.
Scientific and research activity is realized by her in close connection with industrial practice. She deals with coordination of activities related to elaboration and introduction of quality management, occupational safety management and environment protection management systems as well as ergonomic improvement of both processes and workstations in Polish and foreign production companies or service providers, among others in: Faurecia, Toyota, Mars Poland, Reckitt Benckiser, L'Oréal Polska, Nestle.
She is the Vice-President of Polish Ergonomics Society, a member of Ergonomics Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences, a member of Work Protection Council of Polish Parliament and a member of Polish Quality Award Committee.
Tobias Grundgeiger, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg 
Tobias Grundgeiger received a PhD from The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia in applied cognitive psychology in 2011. He is currently working as a senior lecturer at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany. His research interests include distractions and interruptions, visual attention distribution, and cognitive aids. He is particularly interested in the design of healthcare technology which improves safety and users’ experience.
Rauf Iqbal, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai 
Rauf Iqbal is a researcher, teacher and consultant in Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering. He is an Associate Professor and In-Charge of Ergonomics Laboratory at the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai. He holds a PhD degree in Ergonomics. He teaches Ergonomics and Human Factors, Layout and Facilities Planning and Work-system design to the master’s students of Industrial Engineering, and Manufacturing Management. His research interests are work-system design, engineering anthropometry and workspace design, biomechanics of human movement, occupational ergonomics, and safety management.
Rauf Iqbal has published over 120 journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He has been regularly presenting and chairing sessions at international conferences over the last 15 years. He has guided several scholars for the PhD degree as well as master’s theses. He is member of various international and national ergonomics related committees. He has carried out various projects funded by the Government as well as the International Labour Organization. He has been conducting training and consultancy for numerous industries in the areas of ergonomics, work study, work systems design and safety management.
Ren-Liu Jang, Ming Chi University of Technology
Ren-Liu Jang is an assistant professor of ergonomics at Ming Chi University of Technology in New Taipei City, Taiwan. He received his PhD in ergonomics from the University of Louisville in 2001. His research is focused on human factors engineering and occupational ergonomics. Past projects had focused on prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and industrial safety.
Jussi Kantola, University of Vaasa 
Jussi Kantola is a professor and head of the Department of Production at University of Vaasa, Finland. Jussi is the co-founder and head of Industrial Systems Analytics degree program at University of Vaasa. Earlier he worked as an associate professor at KAIST, Korea where he was the co-founder of the world’s first Knowledge Service Engineering department. During 2003-2008 he worked in various research roles at Tampere University of Technology and University of Turku, Finland. He has PhD degrees (IE) from the Center for industrial ergonomics at University of Louisville, KY, USA, 1998 and Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2006. 1999-2002 he worked as an IT and business and process consultant in USA and in Finland. Jussi has M.Sc. degree in Mechanical (Production) engineering at Tampere University of Technology. Jussi’s research interests include organizational resource management, ontology-based modelling, soft computing, and design theory.
Carolina Ullilen Marcilla, National University of Engineering
Carolina Ullilen Marcilla is a Peruvian engineer of Hygiene and Industrial Safety with a bachelor’s degree from the National University of Engineering in Lima and a Master's Degree in Ergonomics, Health Engineering and Human Factors from the University of Paris Sud XI in France.
Currently, Ms. Marcilla works as a specialist in ergonomics/human factors for different companies in Peru such as industrial plants, port terminal, hydroelectric plants, services and others. Ms. Marcilla contributes and gives a greater value to the prevention of occupational risks. She has written numerous articles about the integration of ergonomics into production system and others issues related to working conditions in her blog. Ms. Marcilla teaches Ergonomics and Workplace Design at the National University of Engineering. In addition, she is an active member of the Peruvian Society of Ergonomics.
Pedro R. Mondelo, Polytechnic University of Catalonia 
Pedro R. Mondelo is a Professor and Director of the Specific Improvement Center for Business Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He is also the Director of the International ORP Foundation ( an Independent, Nonprofit Organization with more than 20 years of experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Qualification: Cum Laude (unanimous decision), a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, Qualification: Cum Laude (unanimous decision), and a M.S. in Industrial Risk Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia Qualification: Honours.
Atsuo Murata, Okayama University
Atsuo Murata received M.E and Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering in 1985 and 1987, respectively, from University of Osaka Prefecture (Osaka Prefectural University). From 1987 to 1989, he was an Assistant Professor at University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan. From 1989 to 1994, he was an Associate Professor at Fukuoka Institute of Technology. He belonged to Hiroshima City University (Associate Professor: from 1994 to 1997, Professor from 1997 to 2006). From 2006, he is a Professor at Dept. of Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Okayama University. From 2010 to 2014, he was a chair of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch and a director, Japan Ergonomics Society (JES). After 2016, he is also a chair of Chugoku-Shikoku Branch and a director, JES. From 2015, he is now a scientific advisory member and co-chair of CCDM (Cross-Cultural Decision Making), AHFE.
Professor Murata’s current areas of research are mainly Accident Analysis and Safety Management, Cognitive Biases in Decision Making, and Prediction of Risky State due to Drowsy Driving using Physiological and Behavioral Measures. He has been actively conducting a joint research with Honda Honda Motor Co., Ltd, Hyundai Motor, Sharp, Sekisui Chemical, etc. He is also an author of world-wide Ergonomics Journals such as Ergonomics, Human Factors, Applied Ergonomics, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, and International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
Avi Parush, The Technion 
Avi Parush is an associate professor in the Industrial Engineering and Management Faculty, The Technion, Israel, an adjunct professor in Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, and an emeritus professor from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. With an academic background in cognitive experimental psychology, Avi’s areas of expertise are human factors engineering, human computer interaction, and usability engineering. His professional and academic career of over 35 years in human factors is devoted to influencing the design of workplaces and tools people use in order to make their lives easier, safer and more empowered. Avi’s current research focuses on teamwork in complex and critical situations, human factors in healthcare, and human – intelligent systems integration. He is the emeritus founding editor in chief of the Journal of Usability Studies, an associate editor in the Human Factors in Healthcare journal, and on the editorial board of the Human Factors journal. Avi moutain bikes and strives to leave a better world to his children and grandchildren.
Gunther Paul, Australian Institute for Tropical Health and Medicine 
Gunther Paul is an Ergonomist and Principal Research Fellow for Occupational Health and Safety at the Australian Institute for Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM), and the Mackay Institute for Research and Innovation (MIRI). He holds a PhD in Ergonomics and MPhil in Control Engineering. His research focuses on complex work system related issues, such as health systems, respiratory health, human-in-the-loop modelling, or musculoskeletal disorders. He is currently leading a COCHRANE review into Dust Control Measures for Coal Mining Dust Lung Disease. Gunther has been the Chief Investigator in 17 research projects. He is the Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, and a reviewer for over 20 international journals. He chairs the International Ergonomics Association Technical Committee on Human Simulation and Virtual Environments, and is a Member of the Queensland Government Safety Leadership at Work Expert Reference Group, Member of the Commonwealth Department of Employment Research and Evaluation Services Panel, and Member of the Panel of Assessors, Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT). He has published over 100 journal articles, books and book chapters, and has been regularly presenting and chairing sessions at International conferences over the last 25 years. In his most recent previous employments, Gunther led the Health Safety Environment Discipline in the School of Public Health and Social Work at QUT, and before that he was Director of Ergolab at UniSA.
Brian Peacock, Member-at-Large 
Brian Peacock has spent his whole career in Ergonomics/Human Factors with education from Loughborough and Birmingham Universities. His early career was in academia at Hong Kong, Dalhousie and Oklahoma universities. He spent 15 years with General Motors, first in product design, including the ACCESS car, and later in manufacturing. He then moved to NASA as Discipline Coordinating Scientist for Space Human Factors. He returned to academia, first with Embry Riddle, where he learned to fly, and then to Singapore with NUS and SUSS. He retired briefly but now has a visiting position at BRAC University in Bangladesh. He has authored numerous publications, and books on Statistical Distributions (with Nick Hastings), Automotive Ergonomics (with Waldemar Karwowski), The Laws and Rules of Ergonomics in Design (from Ergonomics in Design) and self-published books on Human Systems Integration, Big Picture Ergonomics, How Ergonomics Works, Running, Once Upon a Time Stories, Back in the Day Stories and Snippets. Copies of many of these publications are available on
Juraj Sinay, Technical University of Kosice 
Juraj Sinay is a professor at the Department of Production Safety and Quality, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice in Slovakia. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Kosice. From 1988 to 1991 he worked at the University of Berg in Wuppertal Germany and was subsequently appointed professor in 1991. He obtained the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences – DrSc in 1995. From 2000 to 2007 he was Rector of the Technical University of Kosice and the President of the Slovak Rector's Commission. From 2007 to 2015 he was Vice-Rector for marketing and external relations. From 2015 to 2018 Juraj was president of the Association of Automotive Industry of the Slovak Republic. He is currently a member of its Executive Committee.
In the field of science and research, he is engaged in risk management systems for technical systems in integrated security systems in the context of the Intelligent Industry Strategy with a focus on the automotive industry. In this area he is the author and co-author of 15 monographs and 35 scientific articles in Slovak and foreign sources. He presented the results of his work at scientific and professional conferences both in EU countries and overseas.
Riccardo Tartaglia, Institute of Management at the School of Advanced Studies Sant’Anna - Pisa 
Riccardo Tartaglia, MD, has specialized in occupational medicine, hygiene, and public health. He is certified as an ergonomist by the Centre for Registration European Ergonomist. He is currently a partner and healthcare manager of the research and design studio “BSD - By Strategic Design” and an affiliate professional at the Institute of Management at the School of Advanced Studies Sant’Anna - Pisa, where, for more than ten years he has also been the scientific coordinator of the advanced course in Clinical Risk Management. He is honorary president of the Italian Network for Safety in Health Care. Since 2003 he has been director of the Centre for Clinical Risk Management and Patient Safety - Tuscany Region (WHO CC) and he has been coordinator of the Patient Safety Committee of Italian Regions for ten years. He is currently a member of the National Observatory for Safety Practices (AGENAS). He was president of the Italian Ergonomics and Human Factors Society. In 2017, he was appointed ISQua Expert, and in 2018 he was made a Fellow of the International Ergonomic Association.
Wei Zhang, Tsinghua University
Wei Zhang is a professor of ergonomics at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and IEA Fellow (honored in 2024). He received his PhD from Tsinghua University in 1997. He teaches Human Factors and Ergonomics, Product Development Management, Introduction to Engineering Management, China Studies: Industry, Society and History. His research is focused on human-AI interaction, human factors and ergonomics, driving safety, automated driving, innovation management, and graduate education administration. He has been PI of over 30 research projects in these fields and has published nearly 100 journal and conference papers. Prof. Wei Zhang is the immediate past president of the Chinese Ergonomics Society (presidency period: Dec 2012-Aug 2023, during which, the registered individual members of the CES has increased from 200+ to 3200+, and corporate members have reached 63). He is deputy director of the National Key Laboratory of Human Factors Engineering (from March 2023), chair of the Development and Promotion Standing Committee of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) (from Aug 2024), secretary general of the National Steering Committee of Engineering Management Postgraduate Education (from Jan 2022), Editor of the journal Ergonomics (from Jan 2022). He is director of the Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Education Center of Tsinghua University. He promoted the founding of the IEA-Tsinghua Award and the IEA-Kingfar Award in 2019, which have awarded over 50 winners worldwide as of 2024.