Congratulations to Sara Wolf and Franzisca Maas, students at the Institute Human-Computer-Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany for winning the 2020 Dieter W. Jahns Student Practitioner Award. Sara and Franzisca are students of Human-Computer-Interaction. This marks the third time that students from the Würzburg Institute won the award. The award will be presented by their mentor, Professor Tobias Grundgeiger, at the Institute in Germany. The award included $1,000 (US) to Sara and Franzisca, and another $1,000 (US) to Dr. Grundgeiger’s discretionary fund.
Click here for video of award presentation.
Click here for video of the programs at Julius-Maximilians-Universitat.

Sara and Franzisca completed their project in cooperation with the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, University Hospital of Würzburg. In the project CASSANDRA: A Decision Support Tool for Clinical Assessment and Reasoning in Anesthesia Sara Wolf and Franzisca Maas used a user-centered design process that addressed all ergonomics core competencies. The objective of the project was (1) to understand the complex, safety-critical context of operating room (OR) crises based on UX theories, (2) to develop a decision support tool for diagnosis and treatment guided by UX theories, and (3) to evaluate the developed solution and the theoretical framing in a simulator- based study.
Sara and Franzisca were the first to develop a decision support tool (DST) that takes into account the diagnostic process and the treatment during OR crises. Their design was based on an analysis of the greater context involving the physical and social environment as well as human beings’ constraints and givens (such as psychological needs or cognitive limitations). The evaluation indicated that the focus on the greater context through the lens of theories of embodied and needs- based UX could be valuable for DST acceptance and contextual fit.
Click here for Sara and Franzisca’s project.
Honorable Mention
This year’s competition included the following submissions:
Na Du, Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan, submitted An Advanced Driver Assistance System: Predicting Driver Takeover Performance and Displaying Adaptive Alerts; Dr. X. Jesse Yang was her advisor.
Alexandra Kaplan, Machines in Thought / Minds in Technology (MIT²) Lab, University of Central Florida, submitted Design of a Roller Coaster Restraint System to Make Lap Bar Restraints More Inclusive for People with Lower-Body Limb Differences; Dr. Peter Hancock was her advisor. Click here for Alexandra’s project.
Ardiyanto, PhD, AEP, Ohio State University, (now an Instructor in the Engineering Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia), submitted Development of A Tool for Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Lower Extremity Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders; Dr. Carolyn M. Sommerich was his advisor. Click here for Dr. Ardiyanto’s project.
Brandon Thompson, PhD, PE, Virginia Tech, (now a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army, Department of Systems Engineering, United States Military Academy), submitted Development and Human Factors Evaluation of a Portable Auditory Localization Training System; Dr. John G. Casali was his advisor.
Jackie Cha, PhD, and Hamed Asadi, Purdue University, School of Industrial Engineering, (Jackie Cha is now Assistant Professor at Clemson University) submitted Implementation and Evaluation of Exoskeletons to Reduce Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Surgical Teams; Dr. Denny Yu was their advisor.
Previous winners include:
2019: Husam Muslim, University of Tsukuba, Japan
2018: Paul Schlosser, Institute Human-Computer-Media, Julius-Maximilians- Universität Würzburg, Germany
2017: Carly Warren, Abeera Ali, David Gafni, Daipayan Guha, Mayan Murray, and Hendrik Ophardt, University of Toronto
2016: Hyungil Kim, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2015: Moritz Albert, Daniel Reinhardt, and Ann-Kathrin Kraft Institute Human-Computer-Media, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg,
2014: Denny Yu, University of Michigan
2013: Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson University
2012: Mohd Nasrull Abdol Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
2011: Radin Umar, Ohio State University
2010: Augusto Espinosa, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University